CPSC340 Training Error VS Testing Error VS Validation Error

Posted by Luna's Blog on January 31, 2022


Overfitting: lower accuracy on new data

The test data cannot influence the training phase in any way. If we use test data during training, then we are overfitting.

IID Assumption

IID: Independent and Identically Distributed

  • All examples come from the same distribution (identically distributed)
  • The example are sampled independently (order doesn’t matter)

Fundamental Trade_off

$E_{test} = (E_{test} - E_{train}) + E_{train}$

$E_{approx}: (E_{test} - E_{train})$

If $E_{approx}$ is small, then $E_{train}$ is a good approximation to $E_{test}$

  • $E_{approx}$ tends to be smaller as n gets larger
  • $E_{approx}$ tends to grow as modle get more complicated

This leads to a fundamental trade-off:
$E_{train}$: how small you can make the training error
$E_{approx}$: how well training error approximates the test error

Simple models: $E_{approx}$ is low but $E_{train}$ might be high
Complex models: $E_{approx}$ is high but $E_{train}$ might be low

Validation Error

We can use part of the training data to approximate test error.
Split training examples into training set and validation set.

  • Train model based on the training data
  • Test model based on the validation data


  • Step1 training: $model = train(X_{train}, y_{train})$
  • Step2 predicting: $\hat{y} = predict(model, X_{validate})$
  • Step3 validating: $error = sum(\hat{y} \neq y_{validate})$

Parameters VS Hyper-Parameters

Take decision tree as an example:

The decision tree rule values are called parameters

  • control how well we fit a dataset

The decision tree depth is called hyper-parameter

  • control how complex our model is
  • we validate a hyper-parameter using a validation score