- Model-based
- Graphical
- Cluster-Based
- Distance-Based
- Supervised
Model-Based Outlier Detection
We can fit a probabilistic model, outliers are those with low probability.
Assume data follows normal distribution, z-score:
$z_i = \frac{X_i - \mu}{\theta}$, where $\mu = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^nX_i$ and $\theta = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n(X_i-\mu)^2}$
However, the mean and variance are sensitive to outliers. And the data may not concentrate around the mean.
Graphical Outlier Detection
Draw plot of the data, and identify the outlier by human
Cluster-Based Outlier Detection
- cluster data
- find points don’t belong to the clusters
Distance-Based Outlier Detection
Skip the model/plot/cluster step, just measure distances.
Global Distance-Based Outlier Detection - KNN
- For each point, compute the average distance to its KNN
- Choose points with biggest values (outliers are far away from their KNNs)
Local Distance-Based Outlier Detection
Outlierness Ratio = $\frac{average \space distance\space of\space ‘i’\space to\space its\space KNNs}{average \space distance \space of \space neighbours\space of \space ‘i’ \space to \space their \space KNNs}$
If outlinerness ratio > 1, $x_i$ is further away from neighbours than expected
Supervised Outlier Detection
- $y_i = 1$ if $x_i$ is an outlier
- $y_i = 0$ if $x_i$ is a regular point
But we need to know what outliers look like, and we may not detect new types of outliers.